Most viewed/downloaded articles - First semester 2024



Article Author(s) Issue
Investigation of Archean gamma-ray fingerprint: Methodology and tectonic application in central Brazil Chiarini et al. 2024 v7 (1)
A field guide to the sand-rich turbidite systems of the Taciba Formation, Itararé Group, Paraná basin, Brazil Fallgatter et al. 2024 v7 (1)
Inference of minerals at Redondão kimberlite crater, Parnaíba Basin, Brazil, based on interpretation of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry and ASTER data Silva 2024 v7 (1)
Gamma-ray spectrometry, magnetic and gravity signatures of Archean nuclei of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil Oliveira et al. 2024 v7 (1)
Volcanogenic features of IOCG deposits of North Carajás, Brazil, and related constraining evidence Martini and Dreher 2024 v7 (1)


Numbers of 2023

In 2023, twelve papers (among 20 manuscripts with final decision) were published in the volume 6 of Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil (JGSB), in three regular issues.

Rejection percentage was 40%.

Average time for the first-decision was 38 days (5.4 weeks).

Average time for on-line publication was 92 days (13 weeks), i.e., 17 days after acceptance. 


Most cited articles (≥ 10 citations)

  article Author(s) Issue citations  
  Predictive lithological mapping through machine learning methods: a case study in the Cinzento Lineament, Carajás Province, Brazil Costa et al. 2019 v2 n1     23  
  Neoarchean, Rhyacian and Neoproterozoic units of the Saquinho region, eastern Rio Piranhas-Seridó domain, Borborema Province (northeastern Brazil): implications for the stratigraphic model Cavalcante et al.  2018 v1 n1     13  
  Evidence for ca. 2046 Ma high-grade metamorphism in Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the northern Borborema Province, NE Brazil: constraints from U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) zircon ages Calado et al. 2019 v2 n3     13  
  A review of the geodynamic setting of the Volcanic Domain in the Juruena Magmatic Arc, southwestern Amazon Craton, Brazil, based on geochemical, U-Pb and Sm-Nd data Duarte et al. 2019 v2 n1     12  
  The Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt revisited: new insights into the stratigraphy Araújo et al. 2020 v3 n3     11  
  Insights on the framework of the Carajás Province, Amazonian Craton, Brazil, and on the three-dimensional shape of the Carajás Basin, based on gravity data Oliveira 2018 v1 n3     10  
  Source: Google Scholar, January 2nd, 2024        


Most viewed/downloaded articles (pdf) in 2023

  Article Authors Issue  
  Overview of the geological mapping in Brazil: historical analysis until 2022 Rosa-Costa et al.  2023 v6 n1  
  Stratigraphy of the Pitangui Synclinorium, northwest of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero mineral province - Brazil: magmatism and sedimentation from Archean to Neoproterozoic Marinho et al. 2023 v6 n2  
  Deep crustal structure of the Sergipano Belt, NE-Brazil, revealed by integrated modeling of gravity, magnetic, and geological data Oliveira et al. 2023 v6 n1  
  Predictive lithological mapping through machine learning methods: a case study in the Cinzento Lineament, Carajás Province, Brazil Costa et al. 2019 v2 n1  
  The bauxite-bearing lateritic profile of the Jequié Complex, São Francisco Craton, Brazil: potential for rare earth elements mineralization and insights on the mineral system Miranda et al. 2023 v6 n2  


Most viewed/downloaded articles (pdf): 2018-2023

  Article Authors Issue  
  Predictive lithological mapping through machine learning methods: a case study in the Cinzento Lineament, Carajás Province, Brazil Costa et al. 2019 v2 n1  
  The strategic diagnosis of the potassium fertilizer industry in Brazil Farias et al. 2021 v4 n2  
  Application of Zipf’s law to estimate undiscovered gold endowment in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Province, Brazil  Costa et al. 2019 v2 3  
  Integration of multisource data to support the identification of lateritic regolith in Eastern - Bahia, northeastern Brazil  Iza et al.  2020 v3 1  
  The Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt revisited: new insights into the stratigraph Araujo et al.  2020 v3 (3)  


Most viewed/downloaded articles in 2022

Article Authors Issue
The structural framework of the north-central Guiana Shield: a fossil fold-and-thrust belt in northeastern Roraima state, Brazil Mendes et al. 2022 5 (1)
Predictive lithological mapping through machine learning methods: a case study in the Cinzento Lineament, Carajás Province, Brazil Costa et al. 2019 2 (1)
The tectonic framework of the Alto Guaporé Belt, Amazonian Craton, Brazil, revealed by the integration of airborne geophysics, and geological and geochronological data Oliveira et al. 2022 5 (2)
Neoproterozoic-Cambrian structures as a guide to the evolution of the Bambuí karst in the Vieira river basin, Montes Claros, North of Minas Gerais, Brazil Cavalcanti 2022 5 (1)
Geological characteristics of the Serra do Navio Formation, Guiana Shield, Brazil, and its manganiferous ores: queluzites as a source rock of oxide and carbonate manganese ores Scarpelli 2022 5 (2)


Most viewed/downloaded articles each month in 2022


Month/2022 Article Authors Issue
January The Serra do Caparaó Complex, Mantiqueira Province, Brazil, revisited: metamorphic age constraints by U-Pb and Lu-Hf method in zircon by LA-ICP-MS Faria et al. 2022 v5 (1)
February Neoproterozoic Brasiliano structures as the responsible for the evolution of the Bambuí karst in the Rio Vieira Basin, Montes Claros, Nnorth of Minas Gerais, Brazil Cavalcanti 2022 v5 (1)
March The strategic diagnosis of the potassium fertilizer industry in Brazil Farias et al. 2021 v4 (2)
April The strategic diagnosis of the potassium fertilizer industry in Brazil Farias et al. 2021 v4 (2)
May-June Stress states during the emplacement of the eastern Rio Ceará-Mirim Dike Swarm, Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil Vasconcelos et al. 2022 v5 (1)
July The strategic diagnosis of the potassium fertilizer industry in Brazil Farias et al. 2021 v4 (2)
August Geological characteristics of the Serra do Navio Formation, Guiana Shield, Brazil, and its manganiferous ores: queluzites as a source rock of oxide and carbonate manganese ores Scarpelli 2022 v5 (2)
September Petrography, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Siderian-Rhyacian granitoids of NW Bacajá Domain, Amazonian Craton Vieira da Silva et al. 2022 v5 (3)
October The strategic diagnosis of the potassium fertilizer industry in Brazil Farias et al. 2021 v4 (2)
November Petrography, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Siderian-Rhyacian granitoids of NW Bacajá Domain, Amazonian Craton Vieira da Silva et al. 2022 v5 (3)
December Composition and P-T conditions of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Azimuth 125º Lineament, Northern and Southeastern Brazil: constraints from peridotite xenoliths enclosed in diamond-bearing kimberlites Almeida et al. 2022 v5 (3)