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  • Statement of the role of each author: fill the file "Authorship Credits" available in Publishing Ethics - https://jgsb.sgb.gov.br/index.php/journal/6) and in Author Guidelines (https://jgsb.sgb.gov.br/index.php/journal/about/submissions)
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  • Tables in editable file format (doc, docx, excel...)
  • Abstract (200-500 words)
  • Keywords (four to six) - avoid using words that are already present in the title of the manuscript.
  • ORCID (this author's persistent identifier is mandatory for the first author and the corresponding author, and desirable for all authors)


JGSB encourages the use of the persistent identifier ORCID (https://info.orcid.org/what-is-orcid/), for all authors. However, this is mandatory only for the first and corresponding authors. Registration can be done at https://orcid.org/register.

Authorship Credits (please fill this file)


Submission must be done only electronically using the OJS/PKP platform of the JGSB (jgsb.sgb.gov.br). Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter in which the authors indicate the originality and purpose of their work and must include a statement about the role or contributions of each author/co-author to the submitted manuscript.

The order of authors in the manuscript is a decision of the research group and must be defined before the manuscript is submitted for publication. Any changes in this initial authorship order or inclusion/exclusion of authors after the initial submission of a manuscript should be justified in written and the document must be signed by all authors, including those being added or excluded.

For Research Papers and Review Papers, at least two reviewers of recognized expertise in the subject area will evaluate the manuscripts. Short Communications will be evaluated by one reviewer and one Associate Editor. Manuscripts needing revisions must return within 60 days, otherwise, a new submission and review process is required. The reviewers evaluate the submitted manuscripts according to the following criteria:

- compatibility with the scope and editorial policy of the JGSB
- compliance with the submission guidelines (including reference format)
- adequate organization of the manuscript
- clear presentation of the objective(s)
- clarity and correctness of writing and quality of tables and figures
- the abstract is factual and informative and stands alone if read separately from the text
- the title reflects the contents of the manuscript
- good theoretical basis and updated literature review
- use of appropriate methods
- the results bring an important contribution to the subject
- discussion of the results compared to those described in the literature
- the conclusions are supported by the data

The final acceptance will be given by the Editor-in-Chief, based on the recommendations of the reviewers and/or Section Editors, and/or Guest and Ad-hoc Editors.

The final proofs must be revised by the author(s), and modifications are no longer accepted in this phase. If any inconsistencies are noticed after the article is published, a corrigendum or erratum will be published.


Papers are published in English only. Manuscripts should be submitted in English, but submissions in Portuguese will occasionally be accepted and revised in this language. In case of acceptance, the final version will be translated by the JGSB team and published in English. Both American (USA) and British English are accepted, but not a mixture of the two forms (e.g., mineralization x mineralisation; Paleoproterozoic x Palaeoproterozoic; Geological x Geologic, color x colour etc….).

There is no maximum length/page limit required for the manuscript, although regular papers should be concise and normally contain up to 12,000 words (exclusive of references) and up to 15 figures.

Use page A4, font Times New Roman 12, and double spacing between lines. Figures and tables should not be included in the manuscript. Insert only figure captions and table headings in their approximate position in the manuscript (i.e., close to the first time the figure or table is cited in the text). Do not use any special formatting, since this will be done by the JGSB editorial team after acceptance.

Pages and lines must be sequentially numbered to facilitate the review.

Text, figures, tables, annexes, etc… must be uploaded as separate files (please name the files in a logical way, e.g., text, figure 1, figure2, table 1, etc….). Individual files must not exceed  10 Mb.

Figures must be sized to fit on an A4 page, which means they must be legible in this format without zooming. The letters of the internal caption must be typed in font 6 or higher.

Accepted files

Text: use docx (preferentially) or pdf files.

Figures: Please use pdf, jpeg, png, tiff files for figures. For colored figures, use the RGB color system. At least 300 dpi for photographs, images, and line diagrams (in case of acceptance of the manuscript, the original files used to construct the figures may be requested). Do not use scanned figures that cannot be edited.

Tables: use editable files (docx, xlsx).


Manuscript structure

 You can also use this docx file Template for research paper /Field guide template

 Title: Short, but informative and attractive

Author(s): Name(s) and affiliation(s) – provide the full postal and e-mail addresses of the corresponding author (Institution, Department, city, state, country) and, at least, institution, city, and country for all other co-authors.

Abstract: Factual, concise, and informative (250-500 words within a single paragraph); inform the purposes of the research, methodology used, results and conclusions; do not use abbreviations or references here, unless absolutely necessary

Keywords: Provide 4 or 5 keywords, avoiding repetition of words already present in the title of the manuscript, and avoiding keywords comprising multiple words

Short title: Provide a running title, up to 50 characters long

Introduction: The authors must convince the reader (and the editorial board) that the research is worthy of publishing. Locate the study area, clearly state the objectives of the work, the methodological approach, and the implications expected of the work. Relevant references to the subject of the paper should also be stated.

Materials and methods (or analytical procedures): A summary of the methods must be presented, with relevant references, clear enough to allow replication of the research.

Results: Present, in a single or separate items, the data and results of the work, without interpretations.

Discussions: Data interpretation, comparison with literature.

Conclusions: List concisely, without additional references or discussions, the conclusions and implications of the research.

Acknowledgments: Funding for the work, contributions of other researchers. It is highly appropriate to thank the reviewers.

References: List, in alphabetic order, all references cited in the text. Crosscheck carefully to guarantee that all cited references appear in the list and vice-versa. Use the format described below and do not use special formatting.

Appendix, Annexes, etc…


Hierarchy of titles (please use the following numbering and titles formats – you can also check the Template docx file in the homepage of the JGSB)


Title (e.g., Geology of the Rio de Janeiro city and implications for the tectonic evolution of Brazil)


  1. Title 1

1.1. Subtitle 1

1.1.1. Subtitle 2



Appendix (or Annexes)


References format

In the text, tables, and figures (examples)

 - one author: Patchett (1983) stated that....

- two authors: According to the approach of Corrêa and Macambira (2014)

- three or more authors: in the interpretation of Fraga et al. (2017), the rocks are.....

- more than one reference within brackets (Patchett 1983; Corrêa and Macambira 2014; Fraga et al. 2017)

- same author or group of authors: Costa et al. (2007, 2008), or (Costa et al. 2007, 2008; Praga et al. 2017)


In the reference list

 Please use DOI, if available, at the end of each citation.

Journals names must be spelled in full (e.g. Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil, and not J. Geol. Surv. Brazil)

Papers in journals

(one author) Patchett P.J. 1983. Importance of the Lu-Hf isotopic system in studies of planetary chronology and chemical evolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 47, 81-97.

(two authors) Corrêa L.W.C., Macambira M.J.B. 2014. Evolução da região de Santana do Araguaia (PA) com base na geologia e geocronologia Pb-Pb em zircão de granitoides. Geologia USP, Série Científica, 14, 45-66.

(three or more authors - name all the authors) Andersen T., Andersson U.B., Graham S., Aberg G., Simonsen S.L. 2009. Granitic magmatism by melting of juvenile continental crust: new constraints on the source of Palaeoproterozoic granitoids in Fennoscandia from Hf isotopes in zircon. Journal of the Geological Society, 166, 233-247.

* a note on Articles in press (accepted manuscripts)

To be cited in JGSB, articles must be formally accepted by a peer-reviewed journal. Papers in preparation, or submitted, in review, and in revision are not valid references.

Abstract or extended abstract in conference proceedings

Fraga L.M., Vasquez M.L., Almeida M.E., Dreher A.M., Reis N.J. 2017. A influência da orogenia Eo-Orosiriana na formação da SLIP Uatumã, parte central do Cráton Amazônico. In: Simpósio de Geologia da Amazônia, 15, 405-408.

 Book or book chapter

Bodri L., Cermak V. 2007. Borehole Climatology: a new method on how to reconstruct climate. New York, Elsevier, 352 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-045320-0.X5000-5

Castro R. D., Kowsmann R. O. 2016. Main features of the Campos Basin regional geology. In: Kowsmann R. O. (ed.). Geology and Geomorphology: regional Environmental characterization of the Campos basin, southwest Atlantic: Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier. p. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-85-352-8444-7.50008-1

 Thesis and Dissertations

Silva C.M.G. 2006. Aplicação de isótopos radiogênicos na mineralização de ouro da mina Cuiabá, greenstone belt Rio das Velhas (MG). PhD Thesis, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 145 p. DOI:

Valladares F.B. 2004. Geologia e petro-metalogênese da mineralização de ouro da mina São Bento, Quadrilátero Ferrífero - MG. MSc Dissertation, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 55  p. DOI: 10.11606/D.44.2004.tde-17092013-132357

Garcia F.P. 2014. Construção de um Sistema Geográfico de Informação voltado à prospecção mineral na região da Mina Galena, Amaral Ferrador-RS. 2014. Graduation work. Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 98 p.


Digital media

Ferreira A.L., Rizzotto G.J., Quadros M.L.E.S., Bahia R.B.C., Oliveira M.A. 2004. Folha SB.21-Tapajós. In: Schobbenhaus C., Gonçalves J.H., Santos J.O.S., Abram M.B., Leão Neto R., Matos G.M.M., Vidotti R.M., Ramos M.A.B., Jesus J.D.A. (eds.) Carta Geológica do Brasil ao Milionésimo, Sistemas de Informações Geográficas-SIG. Programa Geologia do Brasil, Brasília, CPRM. CD-ROM.

On-line map

Brasilino R.G., Miranda A.W.A., Morais D.M.F. 2014. Carta Geológica da Folha Mirandiba SC.24-X -A-I, Estado de Pernambuco, Escala 1:100.000. Programa Geologia do Brasil, Recife, CPRM. Available on line at: http://geosgb.cprm.gov.br / (accessed on 7 January 2018)

 Technical reports, explanatory notes and publications available on-line

Klein E.L., Almeida M.E., Rosa-Costa L.T. 2012. The 1.89-1.87 Ga Uatumã Silicic Large Igneous Province, northern South America. Large Igneous Provinces Commission. Available on line at: http://www.largeigneousprovinces.org / (accessed on 17 June 2018).

Guimarães S. B. 2015. Metalogenia das províncias minerais do Brasil: área sudeste do Tapajós, Estado do Pará. Informe de Recursos Minerais, Série Províncias Minerais do Brasil, n. 3. Programa Geologia do Brasil. Brasília, CPRM, 61 p. Available online at: http://rigeo.cprm.gov.br/jspui/handle/doc/16601 / (accessed on 13 June 2018).

 Unpublished reports, but accessible via the internet

Mah P., Reyes A., Lindeman D., Mach L., Haggan T. 2013. NI 43-101 Technical Report Aurizona Resource and Reserve Update, Brazil. Unpublished report. Available online at: http://www.lunagold.com / (accessed on 19 September 2013).