VOL. 7 (2024) - Regular issues


Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of the Cretaceous alkaline Morro Redondo intrusive complex, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: implications for alkaline magma genesis

Carlos Eduardo Mota, Arthur de Melo Said Fabião Moreira da Silva, Fred Jourdan, Mauro Cesar Geraldes, Guilherme Loriato Potratz

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29396/jgsb.2024.v7.n2.1


Geomorphological landscape analysis for the study of surface and groundwater in a carbonate rock environment in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil

Patrícia Mara Lage Simões, Marcelo Eduardo Dantas

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29396/jgsb.2024.v7.n2.2




Guest Editors

Rodrigo Scalise Horodyski (UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos and Associate Editor of the Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil)

Hermínio Ismael de Araújo Júnior (UERJ- Rio de Janeiro State University and SBP- Brazilian Society of Paleontology)


Fossiliferous sites of the southern coast of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil: geoheritage records of Quaternary sea-level, climate and environmental changes

Renato Pereira Lopes, Jamil Corrêa Pereira, Matias do Nascimento Ritter, Eduardo Guimarães Barboza, Felipe Caron, Sérgio Rebello Dillenburg, Maria Luiza Corrêa da Câmara Rosa

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29396/jgsb.2024.v7.SI2.1