A design of gold-bearing metallogenic provinces and districts in Brazil

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Evandro Klein
Lila Costa Queiroz
Antonia Railine da Costa Silva
Antonio Charles Oliveira
Camila Franco Basto
Carlos Eduardo Oliveira
César Lisboa Chaves
Cintia Maria Gaia da Silva
Cleber Ladeira Alves
Daniel MIranda
Edney Palheta
Felipe Grandjean Costa
Felipe José da Cruz Lima
Francisco Sene Rios
Ivan Pereira Marques
Jorge Henrique Laux
Marcelo Souza Marinho


There is a lack of consensus on how many and which are the Brazilian gold provinces and districts, and what are their limits or configurations. As an effort of the Geological Survey of Brazil to standardize this subject, we present a compilation of the Brazilian gold-bearing metallogenic/mineral provinces and districts, including those containing polymetallic gold-bearing deposits, and a digital file (shape file) with the design of their respective limits. Because many areas have classic definitions, and even though some of them do not meet the appropriate requirement for a strict definition, their classic names are maintained. However, we strongly suggest that the use of the term metallogenic (province, district), in a broader geotectonic sense, should be preferable in relation to mineral (province, district), which is more generic.

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Klein, Evandro, Lila Queiroz, Antonia Railine Costa Silva, Antonio Charles Oliveira, Camila Basto, Carlos Eduardo Oliveira, César Chaves, Cintia Maria Gaia da Silva, Cleber Alves, Daniel Miranda, Edney Palheta, Felipe Grandjean Costa, Felipe Lima, Francisco Rios, Ivan Marques, Jorge Laux, and Marcelo Marinho. 2024. “A Design of Gold-Bearing Metallogenic Provinces and Districts in Brazil”. Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil 7 (2):165-71. https://doi.org/10.29396/jgsb.2024.v7.n2.5.
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