Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil (JGSB) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, multidisciplinary periodical, published three times a year (April, August, and December) by the Geological Survey of Brazil, which is attached to the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil.

Our Mission is the dissemination of original, high-quality scientific research, and in-depth reviews of relevant subjects that cover all disciplines of the Earth Sciences in Brazil, and elsewhere, intending to be of interest to a broad audience of geological scientists.

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): April

Published: 30.04.2024

Investigation of Archean gamma-ray fingerprint: Methodology and tectonic application in central Brazil

Marcus Flavio Nogueira Chiarini, Loiane Gomes de Moraes, Elton Luiz Dantas, Reinhardt Adolfo Fuck, Elias Prado, Raphael Teixeira Corrêa, Jaime Scandolara, Antônio Frasca, Joseneusa Rodrigues, Andre Menezes Saboia


Gamma-ray spectrometry, magnetic and gravity signatures of Archean nuclei of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil

Roberto Gusmão de Oliveira, Nitzschia Regina Rodrigues Domingos, Walter Eugênio de Medeiros, Vladimir Cruz de Medeiros, Frank Gurgel Santos, Marcus Flavio Nogueira Chiarini, Marília de Araújo Costa Rodrigues


A field guide to the sand-rich turbidite systems of the Taciba Formation, Itararé Group, Paraná basin, Brazil

Claus Fallgatter, Paulo Sérgio Gomes Paim, Victoria Valdez Buso, Carolina Danielski Aquino, Deise Marli Siveira


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ISSN: 2595-1939

DOI: 10.29396/jgsb 

Qualis CAPES (2017-2020): B4