Introduction to the special issue on "Geoconservation" of the Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil

Marcos Antônio Leite do Nascimento, Maria da Gloria Garcia, Kátia Leite Mansur

Geoethics and geoconservation: integrated approaches

Paulo de Tarso Castro, Kátia Leite Mansur, Úrsula Azevedo Ruchkys, Rosely Aparecida Liguori Imbernon

Classification of geo-mining heritage based on anthropogenic geomorphology

Paulo de Tarso Castro, Stênio Nascimento, Suzana de Paula

The performance of the Geoparks Commission of the Brazilian Geology Society, from 2018 to 2020

Marilda Santos-Pinto, Marcos Nascimento, Caiubi Emanuel Souza Kuhn, Gilson Guimarães, Antonio Dourado Rocha

Three hundred years of geodiversity in the Historic Center of the Gold City, Cuiabá, Brazil

Ana Costa, Marcos Nascimento, Carlos Humberto da Silva, Renato Migliorini

Geologic Highway Map of Rio de Janeiro State: a product to stimulate geotourism and broadcast Rio de Janeiro's geodiversity

Raphael e Silva Girão, Thaís Lima Verde Monteiro, Natália Cota de Freitas, Roney Almeida dos Santos Chagas, Marcus Felipe Emerick Soares Cambra, Miguel Tupinambá, Rodrigo Costa Santos, Henrique Bruno, Julio Cesar Horta de Almeida