The state of the art of Low-temperature Thermochronology in Brazil
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Low-temperature thermochronology focuses on the comprehension of the upper crust’s thermal history, where morphotectonic processes take place. We present a robust compilation (1120 data in almost 30 years of research) of fission-track and (U-Th)/He studies and their implications to the understanding of Brazilian geomorphology development. Brazil has a complex geological evolution, involving multiple orogenic and taphrogenic episodes that shaped cratons, orogens, and basins together through time. The thermochronology data set is inconsistently distributed, most of it is concentrated in coastal regions, mainly in the southeastern region; while the intracontinental portions lack studies. The available data set suggests a complex reactivation scenario near the coast to a more stable situation inland. The Mantiqueira and Borborema provinces show a great Early Cretaceous denudation event and a less important Permian to Jurassic, and Paleogene denudation events. The cratonic areas show different patterns, with denudation related to the Devonian to the Jurassic. The data suggest that elastic thickness, structural network, and drainage system play an important role in the morphotectonic control of Brazilian landscape evolution.
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