Call for Papers to the Special Issue "Brazilian fossiliferous sites with paleobiological importance"


-The special issue "Brazilian fossiliferous sites with paleobiological importance" aims to encourage the publication of articles on the paleontological heritage of the rich Brazilian fossiliferous deposits.

-Lagerstätten deposits are welcome, but those fossil-bearing strata whose fossiliferous content presents evidences of extinction events, biotic crises, climate change, mass mortality, and others, are encouraged.

-Finally, proposals and measures for protection and conservation in the field are also encouraged.


Guest editors:

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Scalise Horodyski (UNISINOS-Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos and Associate Editor of the Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil)

Prof. Dr. Hermínio Ismael de Araújo Júnior (UERJ- Rio de Janeiro State University and SBP- Brazilian Society of Paleontology)


The special volume will be published in 2024-2025.

Publication of accepted manuscripts follows the same pattern adopted for regular editions of JGSB. Once the manuscript is accepted, the edited pdf (accepted manuscript_uncorrected proof) is published online with DOI, in an in-progress edition, being fully citable.


Manuscript submission information:

You are welcome to submit your manuscript until May 15th 2024.

For submission, please use the following section: Special Issue - Brazilian fossiliferous sites with paleobiological importance


Registration in JGSB:


Information and instructions to authors:


Evandro Klein
