Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil (JGSB) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, multidisciplinary periodical, published three times a year (April, August, and December) by the Geological Survey of Brazil, which is attached to the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil.

Our mission is to distribute original, high-quality scientific research, and in-depth reviews of relevant subjects that cover all disciplines of the Earth Sciences in Brazil, and elsewhere, providing works of interest to a broad audience of scientists and researchers from geological, natural resources, and related areas.

Vol. 7 No. 3 (2024): December

Published: 17.12.2024

Geodiversity of the coast of the state of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil

Fernanda Soares de Miranda Torres, Pedro Augusto dos Santos Pfaltzgraff


Geological Survey of Brazil Spectral Library v. 1.0: Rock reflectance signatures in the visible to shortwave infrared range

Monica Mazzini Perrotta, Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho, Ana Paula Justo, João Henrique Gonçalves, Leonardo Brandão Araújo, Juliano Alves de Senna, Thais Danielle Oliveira Gasparin, Manoel Augusto Corrêa da Costa, João Luís Carneiro Naleto


Pernambuco-Alagoas, Riacho do Pontal, and Sergipano domains of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil: a geological and geochronological synthesis

Jocilene dos Santos Santana, Reginaldo Alves dos Santos, Basílio Elesbão da Cruz Filho, Frank Gurgel Santos, Camila Franco Basto, José Alberto Rodrigues do Vale, Vladimir Cruz de Medeiros, Tercyo Rinaldo Gonçalves Pinéo, Débora Melo Ferrer de Morais


A synthesis of the National-scale Geochemical Survey in the last 50 years in Brazil

Marcelo Almeida, Caroline Couto Santos, João Henrique Larizzatti, Daliane Bandeira Eberhardt, Silvana de Carvalho Melo, Alessandra Pacheco Cardoso Moreira


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ISSN: 2595-1939

DOI: 10.29396/jgsb 

Qualis CAPES (2017-2020): B4